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Solita Ponte-Bendayan

Bob Dylan.

The Lone Ranger.

Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!

I'm still moved by the emotion I felt when visiting the retrospective exhibition of the

multifaceted artist Bob Dylan -the largest display of his pictorial work ever shown in

the United States-- at the Frost Museum in Miami. (November 3rd, 2021 - April 27,


"Beauty,-Henry Moore said-, is not the goal of my sculpture... For me a work must

first have a vitality of its own... a work can have in it a pent-up energy, an intense life of

its own, independent of the object it may represent." (Herbert Read: Icon and Idea, 1965)

"Vitality as an aesthetie factor has reappeared in all its irrepressible power in modern

art 33

Vitality and emotion are conveyed by Dylan's work. It is the result of 48 years

with art not as a hobby but as a life companion and witness of his experiences.

The first schematic drawings already show a special sensibility. The paintings from his

trip to Europe emerge as a brief hail to the works of Degas, Matisse and the

Expressionists. The drawing, the collage, the video, the assemblage, were called upon to

respond to his expressive needs. In the end, with classical techniques and without

technological boasts, Dylan takes up everyday themes, scenes of daily life, he revalues

them and endows them with that vital impulse of which Henry Moore speaks, he takes

them beyond their anecdotal context. We identify ourselves with them. Like someone

who comes home after a long journey. A solo tour. He is on his own brandishing ideas

that should leave a deep mark on the panorama of contemporary art.

Dylan is profoundly American and, together with Hooper's intelectualism and

O' Keeffe's poetry and music, he is part of a trilogy that represents the most genuine spirit

of North America.

Dylan's work comes to remind us of and to highlight the importance of art in these times

of chaos and disorientation; to be honest and authentic in expressing emotions whatever

the techniques or themes. Sometimes a pencil and a paper are enough.

I believe that the key to the future lies in the remnants of the past. You must master the

languages of your own time before you can enjoy any identity in the present time. Y our

past begins the day you are born, and to ignore it is to deceive yourself about who you

really are. Bob Dylan.

Solita Ponte - Bendayan.

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